Thursday, 14 June 2012

a banana smoothie.

a staple component on my daily life. banana, yogurt, honey, almonds and just enough cinnamon to make the smoothie the most perfect blend of ingredients. but yesterday this was not the case.

home from the gym in the morning i begin to make my banana smoothie. the banana is just ripe and i know there's just enough milk in the fridge. just as any other day, all is going smoothly. i begin to add the last ingredient... the cinnamon. i search amongst the spices and eventually find it. i take off the lid and shake on the cinnamon, just as i would do any other day. but! someone has tampered with the cinnamon jar and the filter has been removed and so instead of shaking out the perfect amount, the entire jar of cinnamon pours into my smoothie. its disastrous. the cinnamon is stuck to the honey and its throughout all the milk. there is no way to work around this.

with the excessively unnecessary amount of cinnamon down the sink the smoothies goes. of course there are now no bananas left in the fruit bowl and more significantly, the milk carton is empty. i guess toast it is!
note to self: check the cinnamon before adding the perfect amount